Business Meetings
Directories of Interred
Lot Locator Map
Veteran Burials
Regulations & Policies
Act of Incorporation
Old vs. New Lot # Listing
Email LUC
Purchasing of Burial Sites


Located on 16 scenic acres between the Catoctin and Short Hill Mountains at the northern edge of Loudoun Valley, the Lovettsville Union Cemetery is the final resting-place for more than 3700 people from Lovettsville, surrounding communities and many distant localities. Established in 1879 by Act of the Virginia General Assembly, the Lovettsville Union Cemetery Company provides for the care and maintenance of the estate, property and affairs of the cemetery.   The Company is managed and controlled by a board of trustees elected annually during lot owner meetings.  Trustees then elect officers to manage the company. As a not-for-profit organization, the Company has no paid employees and is staffed and supported by volunteers. Lot owners are encouraged to attend annual meetings and participate in the care and maintenance of their gravesites. A list of interred and a cemetery map showing burial locations is located within this website in "Directories of Interred" as well as in the display case on the cemetery building.

Lovettsville Union Cemetery
P.O. Box 146, 12930 Lutheran Church Road
Lovettsville, Virginia 20180

 Map Showing Available Sites
(click or tap)

Notice of 2025 Annual Meeting: Lovettsville Union Cemetery Company, Inc.

The Lovettsville Union Cemetery Company, Inc. will hold its 2025 Annual Meeting on Monday, March 3, 2025, at 6:30 PM at New Jerusalem Lutheran Church, located next to the cemetery at 12942 Lutheran Church Road (education building). Please enter through the door to the right of the food pantry.

Snow Date: Monday, March 10, 2025.

Who’s Invited: All lot owners and heirs of lot owners are encouraged to attend.

Meeting Agenda: Review the status of 2024 operations, discuss relevant issues, elect nine trustees to manage the cemetery for the remainder of 2025.

Management and Volunteer Needs:  As a not-for-profit organization, the cemetery is managed by five corporate officers elected from the Board of Trustees and supported entirely by volunteers. With recent retirements among long-time trustees and officers, we are seeking additional trustees and volunteers to ensure the cemetery continues to operate at the high standards our community expects. If you are a lot holder and can contribute your time and experience to this important work, please attend the meeting on March 3. Your support is vital to maintaining this dignified resting place and preserving it for future generations. Join us in this worthy endeavor!