LUCC Lot Pricing and Fee Schedule 2025

Lot Pricing
Burial sites are available for purchase from the Lovettsville Union Cemetery Company LUCC) for a single grave site up to whole lots. Perpetual care is included in the cost of lots and consists of the regular mowing, trimming, cleaning, leveling or seeding deemed necessary by the company to maintain the appearance of the cemetery.  All other costs, such as grave opening and closing and the moving or repair of gravestones, are the responsibility of the lot purchaser, heir, or assignee. Lots or sites may be purchased on an installment plan for as little as $750 down and the balance paid within 12 months via quarterly payments.  A single burial site is 5’ by 10’ and a whole lot is 20’ by 20’ consisting of 8 normal burial sites.

Single site cost $1500

For lot or site purchases contact the LUCC Superintendent at 703-405-5876.

Link to map that shows available lots for purchase

Other LUCC Fees
Lot transfer fee $100. Administration fees for grave openings $200.
Set of four granite corner markers $200, installation $100.

Regulations regarding grave openings:
No double-deep graves
No mausoleums

Grave openings are performed by independent contractors and payments are made directly to the contractor.
Superintendent can provide cost estimates.

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