Annual Lot Owners' Meeting and Trustees' Quarterly Meetings
In 2025, meetings will be held in the New Jerusalem Lutheran Church (next to the cemetery) on the second Monday of January, April, July, and October unless the Monday falls on a holiday, when the meeting will be held on the following Monday. Meetings begin at 6:30 PM. Annual Lot Holder meeting Mar. 3. Snow date is March 10, 2025.

LUCC Trustees for 2024-2025 
Brian Frye (interim)     240-344-2774
  Vice President      Brian Frye                    240-344-2774

David Whipple            
  Treasurer              Cathy Russell (acting)

  Superintendent   Tom Mazich                   703-405-5876

  Ed Spannaus 
  Gene Frye
Jennifer Bergel
  Mike Russell

Revised LUCC By-Laws
The LUCC By-Laws were revised by the Trustees on January 9, 2009 and amended on January 6,  2014. A copy of the by-laws is available to all lot-owners from the Superintendent.

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